Section 5 Building Your Relationship With God - 18 Clarification Of Bilblical Stories

Question: So the story about the test of Job is not true?

God’s answer:

I don’t haggle with the devil.

Question: Why do you use the word “haggle”?

God’s answer:

We were supposedly negotiating back and forth.

Question: So, if this story is not true, why is this in the bible ad also in the tanakh (Hebrew bible)?

God’s answer:

They had a weird concept of God.
They thought his faith was admirable.

Question: Meaning , there are two reason why this story is in both books: 1) strange beliefs about You and 2) that Job exemplified faith? Is this correct?

God’s answer:

That explains it.

As for the words in the Lord’s prayer: Do not bring us to the test/Do not lead us to temptation, God will explain this is the next chapter.


Question: The Ten Commandments Why should we follow The Ten Commandments?

God’s answer:

because they are good.

Sub-Question: Regarding “Thou shalt not kill.” Is there any time at all when killing a person is justifiable – like aborting when the pregnancy is due to rape or incest, killing out of self- defense, etc.

God’s answer:

A blown out candle.


Snuffed out

It is wrong for you to kill people, period.
I Am the only one who can pass a death sentence.
It is My life.

Note: snuff out means to "put an end or to kill".8

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